Friday, April 24, 2009

Rabbit Food

Our goal for this activity  was sorting what "Rabbits eat" and what "Rabbits do not eat".  I cut out the picture provided from The Itty-Bitty Bookworm.  Then I placed two plastic containers on the table.  I put a bunny rabbit in one of the plastic containers and told Caden that we would put the food that "Rabbits eat" in that container.  Then in the other container without the bunny we would place the food that "Rabbits do not eat."
Very short attention span for this activity.  Maybe if we placed real food for the rabbit in the container he may have been more attentive.  Or even brought the book out that we are reading Thumper's Fluffy Tail to go along with the activity.  I will probably try this activity again along with the Bunny Rhymes.    



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