Saturday, October 17, 2009

More Vacation Pictures

Hannah's favorite thing to do on the entire trip...push the buggy!

Caden and Hannah at the Zoo! Too sweet! Don't worry, it only last for a few seconds!

Caden is looking for the animals on his Animal Sticker Bingo. Before we left for the San Diego Zoo me and my husband made Caden an animal bingo game. So everytime he found an animal that was on his sticker sheet he would put a sticker on that animal.

We found Fillmore!:) Oh, and Caden had to carry Hannah purse...but he did have his cars in them. lol

Caden telling Hannah what to do.

Caden hugging Bob the Builder at Lego Land

Hannah with Bob the Builder at Lego Land

The Park at Lego Land

Hannah was the only one that would ride any rides at Lego Land.


Michelle Gibson said...

What an awesome vacation ~ looks like you had a blast! I would love to have a zoo like that. Great fun! *Ü*


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