Monday, September 21, 2009

Letter Carrier: The Letter L

L is for Leaves: On the way to the mailbox we found some leaves.

The Letter L: Letter Carrier
This week we are talking about the letter L. I use The Itty-Bitty Bookworm and A beka
curriculum. This lesson came from A beka Language Development Cards (they are great visuals).

Caden wanted to make a letter for his Mee-Maw.

Hannah wanted to make one for her Nonna.

On the way to the mailbox.

Hannah, holding on tight to her letter.

Putting there letters in the mailbox.

Here is the visual card from A beka.

Letter Sorting: This lesson was pretty cute from A beka. I made colored paper that fit into the envelopes. On the top of each envelope I had Caden color each one a different color. So then he had to put the correct color paper in the correct colored envelope.

Here he is sorting them. He got all of them correct. Gooooo Caden!:)


Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

This sounds like fun. I want to make some mail activities this week, it should be interesting. Anna liked the story from Richard Scarry about mail, it was in "What People Do Every Day" book.

Tara Broman said...

I love their letters. Kid writing is so cute! I know the Grandmas will treasure them.


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