Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Adam and Eve

Caden's snake that Mommy cut.

Caden said he wanted to cut, so I let him.

Caden's snake he cut out.

Adam and Eve: This lesson is from The Itty-Bitty Bookworm Bible Mini Units. First we read the story from our Big Picture Story Bible. We talked about how the snake (saten) is bad and God is good and how Adam and Eve did not listen to God about not eating from the special tree and yet God still forgives us for making mistakes.

Paper Plate Snake: Directions are to draw a swirl and have the kids color or paint the snake. Once the snake is colored then have the children or adult cut the swirl and it becomes a snake. I cut the first one and Caden said he wanted to cut so I let him and he did such a wonderful job.


Tara Broman said...

Awesome cutting skills. I am impressed!


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