Hannah is currently 28 1/2 months old
Color matching from Confessions of a Homeschooler.
Hannah's workbox. I do not have numbers on them yet. We are learning to get one thing out at a time and put them back when done.
Putting buttons in a can with a slit. I had her tell me what each color was as she put it in the can. We also practiced a little counting too.
Letter P. I got this print-out from Boggles World. I had Hannah put stickers on the letter P. Then I placed 3 letters in front of her and had her pick out which one was the letter P.
Then I printed out a fish worksheet from I don't remember where. Then I had her put the numbers 1, 2, 3 in order.
Then she played with them on the dry erase board.
Ok, this is the second time I am writing this post it got erased!:( I will be a little more brief this time. I have been slacking with Hannah's Mommy School because we are trying to sell our house, build a new one, and keep our house clean for potential buyers. I finally have some time to gather my thoughts and plan for her schooling.
For Caden's curriculum I am using Bob Jones Footsteps for Fours and really enjoying it. Hannah has just been joining us but now it is getting a little to intense for her and she is just getting herself into unnecessary trouble because she is not interested.
So I gave her a workbox kind of like Caden's but with a little less boxes. She has 4 boxes and Caden has 10. Here is the plan for Hannah. She will continue to be on the same subject matter Caden is on, but I will be using Confessons of a Homeschooler, Tot School (Tot-Trays), and The Itty-Bitty Bookworm ideas.
Here is what our lesson was for today:
- Letter P
- Counting 1-3
- Color orange
- Fine Motor skills