Caden 35 months
Hannah 17 1/2 months
Jessica 4 years old
You can't quit see what the kids are doing but they are sticking some type of Gel art on the windows. I got it from Target's dollar section. The texture feels like jello and it sticks to things. It was turkeys, leaves, and it said autumn.
Then we made patterns. This came from The Itty-Bitty Bookworm.
We also read 10 Fat Turkeys.
This is Caden's pattern. He saw Jessica write her name so he decided to write his. He then cut out the bees and turkeys. Then I told them to glue the pattern of turkey, bee, turkey, bee ect.
I printed out this Turkey worksheet from first schools and had the kids trace the letter T and glue feathers on the turkey. This is Hannah's.
This came from The Itty-Bitty Bookworm. I printed out the turkey heads and on the turkey heads were numbers. The kids were to put the correct amount of clothespins (turkey feathers) on the turkey.
In this physical activity I had the kids find acorns in the sensory tub and race to the other side of the living room, crawl through the tunnel and put the acron in a basket.
This came from The Itty-Bitty bookworm also. These are called Name Turkeys. I had the kids paint a plate and and turkey head. Then I wrote their names on feathers. I then had them trace the letters of their name. Once complete glue everything on the paper plate.