Hannah is currently 2 years and 11 months old
Caden is currently 4 years and 5 months old
We talked about the number 9 and I gave them each the number 9 magnet.
Then they laced them with animal beads.
I had Hannah trace the letter Y that I wrote.
I had Caden write the word you.
I had Hannah match it with magnet letters.
We painted a jaguar from KidsSoup.
We did our puzzle from You Can Read. Then I had Caden write the words on the dry erase easel.
Then I wrote sentences with his sight words in them. I had him hide while I wrote the sentences. I had him return and then he would read and then color the picture I drew.
Zoo animal match sensory bend.
Transferring bugs.
Painting a Zebra from KidsSoup.
Taping his verse from Raising Rock Stars Preschool.
Tracing the letter Y from Raising Rock Starts Preschool.
Craft from Raising Rock Stars Preschool.