Caden 35 months
Hannah 17 1/2 months
Jessica 4 years old
You can't quit see what the kids are doing but they are sticking some type of Gel art on the windows. I got it from Target's dollar section. The texture feels like jello and it sticks to things. It was turkeys, leaves, and it said autumn.
In the lesson we were practicing the letter U. This is Hannah's picture.:)
This is Caden's letter U.
This is our friends Jessica's letter U.
Then we made patterns. This came from
The Itty-Bitty Bookworm.
We also read 10 Fat Turkeys.
This is Caden's pattern. He saw Jessica write her name so he decided to write his. He then cut out the bees and turkeys. Then I told them to glue the pattern of turkey, bee, turkey, bee ect.
Here is Jessica's.
I printed out this Turkey worksheet from
first schools and had the kids trace the letter T and glue feathers on the turkey. This is Hannah's.
This came from The
Itty-Bitty Bookworm. I printed out the turkey heads and on the turkey heads were numbers. The kids were to put the correct amount of clothespins (turkey feathers) on the turkey.
In this physical activity I had the kids find acorns in the sensory tub and race to the other side of the living room, crawl through the tunnel and put the acron in a basket.
Looking for acorns.
This came from
The Itty-Bitty bookworm also. These are called Name Turkeys. I had the kids paint a plate and and turkey head. Then I wrote their names on feathers. I then had them trace the letters of their name. Once complete glue everything on the paper plate.
Hannah had so much fun with this 99 cents pill box I got at Walgreens. She spent about 30 minutes opening and closing.
Caden 35 months
Hannah 17 1/2 months
Last week we talked about the number 9. I had Caden trace the number 9 and then right it on his own. I was very impressed. Then I had him cut 9 pieces of paper and then he glued them on his paper.
Not sure what they are doing!
Little did they know that they were going to get candy in their buckets not rocks! lol
Their first house! Toooo cute!
Caden leading the way! Professional, so he thinks!
This is what Hannah got at her first house. She thought that it was over and she wanted her candy now! She didn't realize she was going to get more. Sooo cute!
Poor Caden was sick, but he still wanted to go! So we just went to a few houses.
This was Halloween day and it was such a beautiful day so we opened the windows. So Caden thought he could get outside this way.
Ohhhh! My little princess!
Too cute! Great job on the pumpkins Daddy!
Love those blue eyes!
We are talking about transportation and Caden colored and made a school bus.
Tracing and drawing the letter O.
You can't quit see it but Caden circled all the o's he saw in the sentence.
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